Special Order

Through Special Order, the PLCB does everything it can to obtain the wines and spirits customers seek. There are thousands of products suppliers have opted to make available through Special Order, and many suppliers make certain wines and spirits available only to licensees through Special Order.

Obtaining Special Order items

Licensees can obtain Special Order items two ways:

  1. Ordering directly through in a new tab); and
  2. Approving supplier-entered orders through the Licensee Online Order Portal(opens in a new tab) (LOOP).

Detailed program information is availble in the Special Order Program Guide(opens in a new tab).

Licensee-only Special Order items are not featured at in a new tab), but suppliers’ sales representatives can make that information available to licensees, who would then need to register for the Special Order Program in LOOP in order to approve and authorize payment for orders entered by suppliers.

Each Special Order must be paid for in full when the order is shipped. Suppliers must ship Special Order orders within 30 days of the date the supplier processes the order, but they often ship shortly after an order is placed. The licensee is notified through automated emails with updates as Special Orders are processed, and when each order is available for pickup.

Questions? Contact the Special Order division(opens in a new tab).


As a licensee, if you can’t find a product in your local store, explore the product catalogs at in a new tab) to see if the product is available through our e-commerce store or the Special Order process.